Want to know how to cancel Expedia flight? If yes, then here we are mentioning the simple and easy to cancel your existing booking. Vacations don’t always go as we planned and you may need to cancel your reservation due to some emergency. If you have made your reservation with Expedia, then you don’t even have to worry about the cancellation. Passengers are allowed to cancel their reservation at any point of their journey. Check out the information stated below to know how you can cancel your booking.
Expedia tops the list when we talk about major earning travel companies due to the customer base it owns. Whether you are hunting for low-cost airfares, pocket-friendly deals, car rentals, hotel options, or affordable vacation packages, Expedia will not disappoint any of you.
Through Expedia.com
With the help of technology, cancelling flight tickets is not a hard nut to crack. You can do it from the comfort of your house or anywhere. Cancelling flight booking on Expedia is just a matter of seconds, you just have to make some simple clicks and here you go! Bring out these easy forthcoming steps to cancel your booking.
Search over the internet “how to cancel Expedia flight,” and you will see the official site link on the internet. Click on it to proceed further.
On the homepage of Expedia, look in the top-right corner and you will see the “Manage Trips” option. Click on it.
After this, you are required to choose the “Itineraries” option from the drop-down menu.
Access your account by entering the e-mail address and password of your account.
Once you have logged-in, discover the option of upcoming trips and choose the booking you wish to cancel.
On the right-hand side of the screen, you will discover the “cancel reservation” tab. Click on it to confirm your cancellation.
Follow these simple and quick steps on its official site and complete cancellation process without any hassle.
Expedia phone number
Phone number of the travel agency has been made available round the clock for the convenience of its customers. They don’t even have to think twice before calling connecting to the representatives even at odd hours. Team of Expedia is very professional and well-trained; they never hesitate to help their patrons.
If you are unable to use a digital way to cancel your reservation, you can dial the Expedia reservations phone number and ask the representatives to do the same for you. Follow the prompts over the phone and be on the line while they connect you to the designated department. Provide the details of your journey and all other details asked by them to cancel your booking. If you want assistance on how to cancel booking through the official site, they will help you with that also.
These are two different ways with which you can confirm the cancellation of your existing booking. I hope now you have the answer to your question “how to cancel Expedia flight.” Do share your feedback in the comments section below.